This is the harrowing tale of my plane trip to Vienna, starting in Chicago... Enjoy.
So I am currently chilling in the Chicago O'Hare Airport, anxiously awaiting the departure of my plane for London. My flight from Dayton to Chicago was only delayed by an hour, which is very good compared to my recent airport experiences. People quite often make fun of the Midwest (a good amount is justified), but it really is a beautiful area. The sky was clear and all land from Dayton to Chicago was covered in snow. The highlight was undoubtably the decent into Chicago, which offered a scenic view of downtown Chicago next to a frozen Lake Michigan, it was really pretty amazing.
Essentially the scene in Chicago
One thing that is obvious, but I feel like complaining about is the price of airport alcohol. As any good legal-aged college student with four hours to blow in a massive airport, I went to a bar. I got a Stella Artois (Bud Heavy of Western Europe), and Sam Adams' Seasonal, "Cold Snap" (which I has for the first time and was actually really good), which cost a very nominal fee of $20... You're killing me O'Hare.
In the remaining two hours after I listened to some bluegrass (a change up from the devil's music, rap) and watched the CNN broadcast they have posted everywhere in this airport. They were talking extensively about Super Bowl commercials (like any reputable news source should) which got me thinking about a few things from last night's game
1. Defense dominates the Super Bowl: In the 5th match up between the #1 offense and defense, the defensive minded team won four the forth time. Seattle's defense made Manning and Denver look foolish the entire game. LOB.
The Legend Himself
2. Although I cheered for Seattle I kind of wish Denver won now: I've always like Seattle, I've always kind of held them as my "NFC team" since a kid (I got the Matt Hasselbeck jersey to prove it), so I was happy to see them win their first Super Bowl. However, with Peyton Manning's second Super Bowl loss, fans of the New England Patriots are acting like they won the Super Bowl. Boston sports fans are by and large some of the most obnoxious people on Earth.
3. No commercials with Flo from Allstate: Maybe there was and I missed it, but honestly there is not a more obnoxious spokesperson on TV. I didn't think I could dislike a fictional person this much. Things like Flo make me hate capitalism almost... Almost.
4. The people upset over the Coca-Cola commercial are hilarious: If you did not see the commercial, it essentially was a bunch of people singing America the Beautiful in different languages. It was supposed signify the magical unifying powers of Coca-Cola concentrate (much like the famed I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke Ad) Apparently this upset a large group of people since the song wasn't sung entirely in English. I assume that these are the same people who get inordinately angry when having to select a language at the ATM (It should be in English... 'Murica). How sad is it that American lives are so good that people result to the select language feature at an ATM and get upset? Ok, I'm done ranting.
However, I'm on my plane right now, here are a few occurrences/thoughts:
- Plane is not full, able to move to an aisle seat with an empty seat next to it. An early victory for ya boi.
- Drinking Chardonnay out of a small plastic cup, it's like being at a low cost wedding.
- Watched Captain Phillips on the plane, it was pretty good, but the movie skipped around uncontrollably for the final 30 minutes. This is very unfortunate considering everything I've heard about it says the only real reason to watch is for the final 10 minutes. My record is now 1-1.
- However my entertainment void was filled by the stumbling woman who, two and a half hours in, has already overly indulged in the complementary wine and beer. She was wearing what appeared to be a squirrel skinned coat ("How many squirrels must die, for you to look fly?"). The cheap fur and the inebriation tells me that she is trying to forget that she is one of us filthy coach people (ONE OF US). However this fulfilled the entertainment void left by the skipping Captain Phillips. I count this as a win for everyone on the plane, but the flying squirrel. The record is back up to 2-1.
That Squirrel Though...
- Word, Captain Phillips stopped skipping and the end is actually legit. Made a pretty good movie great. Three hours 'til London.
- I swear the pillow cases on planes are made out of tissue paper.
- Toy Story 2 is a G.O.A.T movie
- Nothing bothers me on a long flight more than a person with an entire row to themselves who only use one chair. Trade with me, I will make use of every chair.
- Watching Last Vegas because...
- Seriously one can predict the outcome of this movie in 15 minutes. Surprisingly enjoyable though.
- The woman across the aisle from me fell asleep 10 minutes after take off and woke up 10 minutes before landing. It must be a damn superpower she has.
- London Heathrow Airport is basically a mall, walked around for 10 minutes, didn't see a gate, did see about 30 different stores though.
Essentially just a massive mall
- If you ever have the chance, walk through the massive duty free store at the London airport, it is interesting to say the least.
- Slept 75% of the plane ride from London to Vienna. Thank You Based God
- Immigration at the Vienna Airport was amazingly fast, Austrian efficiency at its best.
Upon arrival at the airport I met my "buddy", the student I was matched up with to show me around the city and the university. Her name was Denise and she was quite helpful in getting me to my apartment. We got to the apartment by way of the subway system, which was very efficient and easy to figure out. Upon my arrival at he apartment, I met my three roommates who are English, Italian and American. They all seem pretty chill. I have had a few people already tell me they think I have a Southern accent... I feel this will be a recurring theme. I am writing this after I just woke up from a six hour nap after all of my travel.
Song I'm Listening To:
In Due Time - Outkast feat. Cee-Lo
Peace Up, V-Town... Also Up,
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